

有「《神魔之塔》Cosplay 奧斯卡」之稱的第二屆神魔女將票選結果稍早出爐,最後由連續兩年參賽的《神魔之塔》玩家「虹伶」以19萬8千多票獲得冠軍,去年奪冠的「小雪」今年落居第三,還以接近一萬票擠下今年深受玩家歡迎的「箐箐」,三人都異口同聲地透露,會送「玩家最喜歡的禮物」。


在《神魔之塔》各項活動當中,玩家討論度最高的,便是 30 位神魔女將的網路票選活動,今年競爭相當新竹 麻辣火鍋激烈,但是最後由「虹伶」所扮演的「愛與恨的魔女?美狄亞」以 19 萬 8 千多票獲得冠軍,第二名及第三名分別為 18 萬 8 千多票的「箐箐」和 13 萬 5 千多票的「小雪」,領獎時「虹伶」感動表示非常感謝支持她的粉絲們。

▲神魔女將票選前三名小雪、虹伶、箐八德 海鮮吃到飽箐(左起)。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)

會後接受《ETtoday 東森新聞雲》記蘆洲 烤肉食材者訪問時,「虹伶」表示,會獲得第一名,主要是跟她長期經營《神魔之塔》「公會」跟社團有關;並表示這次讓她相當感動的是長期支持她的粉絲本身也都有經營公會,目前為止一年內,光是公會數就超過 100 個,在票選期間,她也知道粉絲們相當積極地在粉絲團拉票這讓她很感動。為了回饋粉絲,「虹伶」透露會送簽名照以及玩家想要的贈品,陸續在粉絲團做活動,並承諾會持續在遊戲中跟玩家交流。


獲得第二名的「箐箐」開心表示,因為自己本身也是資深玩家,私人經營的公會已經 12 等,並衝到《神魔之塔》百大公會的第四名,公會成員向心力都很高也都很團結,加上自己本身的粉絲社團,平常已經在社團跟玩家互動建立起很好的感情,也因為這樣,即使自己扮演的角色很不討喜,但是玩家仍然相當支持,這次能有這樣的成績,她覺得相當感動,並透漏接下來搭配自已的粉絲團超過 25 萬人,已經精心策劃了「回饋支持者」的慶祝活動,預期將舉辦玩家聚餐、送魔法石、抱枕、簽名照等回饋活動。


去年第一名,今年落至第三名的「小雪」表示,這次粉絲們真的很盡力,她也都看在心底,並說:「過程真的比得到的名次還來得重要。」在拉票過程當中,她看到粉絲們都很盡力分享,也有本身有公會的玩家,自己也創了社團拉其他玩家一起拉票,也有在遊戲當中改遊戲 ID 拉票的,甚至粉絲們會號召平常根本不玩遊戲的人幫忙投票,並私下還向她鼓勵說:「不管最後結果怎麼樣,在我們心中都是第一名。」這些舉動都讓「小雪」覺得票選結果已經是其次,票選過程跟這些支持者的心才是最讓她珍惜的。為了回饋這些支持者,小雪表示接下來會贈送神魔周邊,還有簽名照、限量抱枕等贈品回饋給粉絲、玩家。



正如同《神魔之塔》開發商MadHead 創辦人曾建中於展期向玩家承諾:「玩家想到的我們一定會做到,玩家想不到的,我們更要去做。」這樣的遊戲經營管理態度,或許正是許多只想「炒短線」賺錢的遊戲廠商,應該引以為鑒的。

▲《神魔之塔》靠遊戲內容中秋烤肉食材 林口與「社群力」吸引玩家長久支持。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)

(中央社記者廖漢原華盛頓3日專電)美國航空母艦卡爾文森號打擊群將於本週前往亞太海域,接替雷根號的任務。美軍選擇短期放空波斯灣,卻不願南海真空,任務引起高度關注。 美國航空母艦卡爾文森號(USS Carl Vinson)打擊群本週由駐地加州聖地牙哥啟程前往亞太地區。隸屬第3艦隊的卡爾文森號前往第7艦隊區域,但預料不會進入波斯灣海域,引起各界關注。 中東地區情勢緊張,美軍將在2017年初才派遣航空母艦老布希號(USS George H. W. Bush)打擊群進駐。五角大廈選擇短期放空波灣,卻不願南海真空,戰略優先順序十分明確。 卡爾文森號打擊群包括驅逐艦韋恩梅爾號(USSWayne E. Meyer)、麥可墨菲號(USS Michael Murphy)與巡洋艦項普倫湖號(USS Lake Champlain)等,艦上官兵約達7500人。 卡爾文森號雖前往太平洋戰區,但仍由第3艦隊指揮官諾拉.泰森(Nora Tyson)統御,泰森是美國航母艦隊首位女性指揮官。 卡爾文森號是因駐在日本的航空母艦雷根號(USSRonald Reagan)將進行維修保養,接替其西太平洋的任務,美軍強調這屬於例行性調度。 平日負責美國西岸至國際換日線海域的第3艦隊船艦,進入第7艦隊範圍的戰略調度不是首次。 美國海軍時報(Navy Times)指出,太平洋艦隊司令史威孚特(Scott Swift)過去已動用第3艦隊船艦至西太平洋。2016年11月,第3艦隊3艘驅逐艦已進駐南海,和中方船艦玩起海上捉迷藏的遊戲,並監視中方在人造島礁附近的行動。1060103


CATACLYSMIC: Issues that surfaced when the feasibility of the changes was being debated were not addressed and the controversy is ripping the nation apart, Hung saidBy Shih Hsiao-kuang and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writerChinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) yesterday said that the KMT would not sit on its hands while the public suffers from potential price hikes caused by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s changes to labor laws, adding that the party’s lawmakers and a think tank are drawing up amendments to fix the problem.At an afternoon meeting of the KMT’s Central Standing Committee, Hung said action must be taken in light of Premier Lin Chuan’s (林全) remark that the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” policy would inevitably lead to a general rise in the cost of living.Lin said in an interview with the Chinese-language China Times published on Tuesday that the amendment of the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) was aimed at reducing the working hours of employees, but it is impossible that can be achieved without an increase in consumer prices.President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration has neglected to address issues that surfaced when the government was still debating the feasibility of the changes, Hung said, adding that the controversy is ripping the nation apart.The DPP elected to adopt the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” policy, which increases overtime payments and relaxes annual leave standards in a bid to win the support of young people, Hung said.However, the policy’s implementation would cause more than 70 percent of workers to suffer the consequences of raised prices for commodities or be laid off, she said.Hung also blasted what she called the DPP’s double standards on price hikes, citing as an example the widely condemned decision of former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration to raise the prices for electricity and natural gas.“Ma’s administration faced vicious criticism [from the DPP] at the time, but now Tsai’s administration makes price hikes sound like a matter of course. The KMT will not allow the situation to go unchecked and is starting to look into measures that would mitigate the impacts of the legislation,” Hung said.Taipei Chamber of Commerce director-general Wang Ying-chieh (王應傑), who was invited by the KMT to give a speech about the possible outcomes of the amendments in yesterday’s committee meeting, said the public transportation industry has been the most hard-hit by the policy.Wang said the industry has arrived at a consensus that it would start hiking ticket prices at the latest after the Lantern Festival next month.Wang said that the industry estimates an increase of 8 percent in operation costs due to the implementation of the policy, adding that the transportation industry is seeking to adapt by cutting down the total number of shifts employees work and raising ticket prices.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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